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The Premier League in times of Corona

The Premier League in times of Corona

by Christian Steiner

Just like more or less every football league in Europe, the English Premier League was forced into taking a break in the middle of March with Leicester City's 4-0 victory against relegation threatened Aston Villa on the 9th of March being the final match for over three months.

Mission Impossible for Politics?

Is there a way to succeed for politicians in times of crisis?

by Jochen Ressel

“Politik ist die Kunst des Möglichen” said the German statesman Otto von Bismarck once – a quote which can be translated only in a humbling way: „Politics is the art of the possible.” But is there anything possible at all for politics in times of crisis, as we experience them right now? Is there any way for politicians to succeed on a broad scale, or only from the perspective of a few, sharing the same opinion?

The Docile Kingdom

What the concept of Social Class and the British System of Plebiscitary Democracy have to do with the present Covid-19 Crisis in the UK.

By Wolfgang Geissler 

You may be forgiven to wonder whether it is the similar hairstyle that is the reason for the catastrophic handling of the Covid-19 crisis on either sides of the Atlantic. Donald Trump’s deliberately slightly greyed out coiffed hair, to make him look more statesmanlike and the untidy uncombed but still blonde mop on top of Boris Johnson’s head, recently shortened to make him also look more statesmanlike. But you already know it’s what in the head that counts, not what’s on top of it.

Rethink Democracy

Is the democratic concept out of date or how can it be made attractive again?

by Jochen Ressel

It’s election time again! But imagine, that only 2 out of 3 persons are taking part in the decision process. The rest is neglecting the chance to participate. From the 67,3 % of participants of the democratic process, only 43,6% vote for a guy who is promising the implementation of a specific program, which means for everybody who had some sort of mathematical education, that 56,3% voted against it.

The Royal Prerogative and the Prorogation of Parliament

Who yields the real power in the United Kingdom today?

by Wolfgang Geissler

Let’s start with the tantalising introduction to something called “The Royal Prerogative”. The royal prerogative is a body of customary authority, privilege and immunity attached to the British monarch or “sovereign”, recognised in the United Kingdom. Prerogative powers were formerly exercised by the monarch acting on his or her own initiative.


A curable disease or societal necessity?

by Jochen Ressel

There is hardly any problem in the English language with it: The differentiation between female and male addressing is minimal. Not so in German. To guarantee gender equality, most of the text writers carefully observe that the concept of women to be treated with the same attention as men is not being infringed. The effects are manifold, but let me address only a few of them to invite you for discussion.

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