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Sarajevo’s uniqueness and Europe’s weakness


Sarajevo’s uniqueness and Europe’s weakness

The Dayton Agreement officially ended the War in Bosnia 25 years ago - what we can learn from mistakes and why a more robust, common EU foreign policy is needed.

First published in “Wiener Zeitung” 14.12.2020

By Philipp Jauernik


The True Meaning of Culture

The True Meaning of Culture

And what 2020 told us about the importance of arts.

by Jochen Ressel

With only a short interruption in the autumn, the cultural life stands almost still since March 2020.



The strange case of English Nationalism.

By Wolfgang Geissler

Ambassador Colin Munro, fellow Austro-British Society board member and Chairman of the United Kingdom Citizens in Austria suggested after reading my recent Blog "From Assimilation to Integration, from Separation to Marginalisation" that I should be concentrating on the subject of Identity in greater detail, which I am going to do now. Identity is after all the core risk factor for acculturative stress due to immigration for both: the immigrant and the host culture, which I had previously discussed.

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