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The Pub and the Bug

The Pub and the Bug

by Ian Murdoch 

Fyfe Robertson - a BBC TV Reporter in the 1960's - remarked in his "Search for the Perfect Pint" that it was not just the quality of the beer that mattered, but where you drank it and who you drank it with. The success of pubs in meeting these challenges is evidenced by the way in which they have become a central feature of the British way of life.

The Rule of Law in Europe

The Rule of Law in Europe:

What the backbone of democracy requires

by Mag. Alexander Cabjolsky & Jochen Ressel

(in appreciation and to honour Mag. Cabjolsky, who passed away unexpectedly on Dec. 8th, 2020 – R.I.P)

It is out of the question that we live in extraordinary times of a pandemic where expectations and requirements for legislative personnel in Governmental institutions arising, which we have never seen before. How to handle massive limitations of personal rights to fight against the Covid19 spread? 


The All Importance of the Omnibus

The All Importance of the Omnibus

Melanie Sully

Covid Vaccines are now coming thick and fast thankfully. It’s like waiting for a bus, you wait a long time and then along come two or three all at once. This was particularly true in a city like Bristol which had a notoriously bad bus service.

From Assimilation to Integration from Separation to Marginalisation

From Assimilation to Integration
from Separation to Marginalisation

The process of social, psychological, and cultural change and the risk factors for acculturative stress due to immigration.

By Wolfgang Geissler

“From a historical viewpoint, it makes no difference whether it was Abraham, who projected this experience onto an imaginary Jehovah or a real Jehovah who proposed it to Abraham. 

Who is "The British Motoring Industry" in 2020?

Who is "The British Motoring Industry" in 2020?

by Wolfgang Buchta

In 2019 the United Kindom produced - according to the "European Automobile Manufacturers Association" - more than 1.3 million passenger cars which put the UK into the fifth position in Europe after Germany, Spain, France and the Czech Republic.

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