
ABS Newsletter November 2019




November 2019





  • Editorial

  • ABS mit neuer Adresse!

  • Events in November

  • Boyden, new Corporate Member: Welcome to the ABS!

  • ...the last page


Dear Members and Friends of the ABS,

last month I was asking if you were "bored and exhausted by the latest news from the House of Commons?". This time I´m asking "can you still follow the latest Brexit developments, or do you feel somehow lost meanwhile, like me?". Even the advisors on that picture to the right, genuine Norfolk (Terrier) natives, were unable to make me any suggestions. Whether it will happen on 31 October, so-to-speak an All Saints (?) Brexit, or at Guy Fawkes, or Santa Claus, or X-mas, let alone New Years Eve ... they weren´t even sure which year they should predict.

Be it as it is, we better concentrate on our own ABS events of which we have lots to offer, as always. By the time you read this newsletter, we will have managed another premiere, i.e. TWO events on ONE day:

Whilst we were all cordially invited by Joerg and Marlies Koessler-Hammerschmid to their ever so popular "End-of-Season Party" of Morgan Austria, ABS corporate member, on Saturday 26 October, a limited number of tickets was also offered for the "Concert Spirituel" taking place at the Minoritenkirche in Vienna in the evening. Happy all those who followed the advice "first come, first served".

Yours, being one of them,

Fred Fruth, Secretary General and Editor-in-Chief


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If you see news, hear news, or make news - we want to hear from you! 
Send your "reader´s letter" by email to  f.fruth@gmx.at

Thank you!

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ABS mit neuer Adresse!

Seit der Revitalisierung der ABS in ihrer zeitkonformen, modernen Gestaltung im Dezember 2009 stellt Mag. Alexander Cabjolsky, ABS board member, seine Rechtsanwaltskanzlei als offizielle Vereinsadresse kostenlos zur Verfügung - samt Infrastruktur und personeller Unterstützung für unsere administrative und organisatorische Tagesarbeit, soweit notwendig und vertretbar.

Für diese grosszügige Unterstützung soll ihm an dieser Stelle im Namen aller Vorstände und Mitglieder einmal der ausdrückliche Dank ausgesprochen werden! 

Zugleich mit dem Umzug seiner Kanzlei an einen neuen Standort hat sich daher auch die ABS Adresse mit sofortiger Wirkung geändert. Bitte um Vormerkung:

Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft, Garnisongasse 11/1, 1090 Wien



Events in  November

Tuesday, 5 November, 18:30 pm: "House of Scotland", Pop up Store, Singerstrasse 9, 1010 Vienna. Details see invitation from 22 October. For members only.


Donnerstag, 14. 11., Vortrag Ismail Sadek, ehem. ABS auditor. Vortrag zum Thema "District Governor Rotary". Details und Einladung in Ausarbeitung.

Freitag, 22.11., 17.00h. Vortrag von Sir Malcolm Leslie Rifkind, mehrfacher Minister früherer konservativer Regierungen: "The Decline of the West?". Veranstaltung gemeinsam mit der ÖGAVN, Hofburg/Stallburg, 1010 Wien. Details und Einladung in Vorbereitung.


New ABS corporate member

Boyden is a worldwide leader in the executive search industry. Boyden is a private, non-listed company with approximately 270 senior partners worldwide and a total of over 1,500 employees, including principals, project staff, assistance and research teams. Boyden today is more than 65 offices in over 40 countries.

Boyden is a premier leadership and talent advisory firm focused on globally-oriented growth and emerging organisations.

We are trusted advisors specializing in executive search and leadership consulting for a diverse client base spanning startups, SMEs, multinationals, and a broad range of ownership structures, both private and public. We strategically research and recruit senior executives – at Board, C-suite and senior management level – by aligning a leader’s competencies, experience and leadership capabilities to the current and future goals of an organization.

Our consulting expertise includes leadership and organizational development, growth and talent mapping, competitive benchmarking, remuneration advice and people due diligence for M&A and other investments. Our Boyden Leadership Modell provide a rigorous, scientific approach to identify the strategic competencies of individual and leadership teams.

Our heritage goes back to the founding of executive search, leadership and talent consulting. In 1946 Sidney Boyden created the first international firm connecting great companies with great leaders.

Boyden Austria was established by Andreas Landgrebe in 2008. With 4 local partners and more than 20 employees in total, the Vienna office is one of the fastest growing and most successful offices of the group.

The Austrian branch also is responsible for the further growth of the Eastern European presence with offices in Prague, Warsaw, Moscow, Kiev, Bucharest, Sofia, Belgrade, Budapest, Bratislava.

Boyden is a founding member of The Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants (AESC), the industry’s trade organisation that establishes standards of excellence for the profession worldwide. Boyden has been named a Top 10 Best Executive Recruiting Firm by Forbes, and ranks among the top 15 largest global retained search firms in the world. Our reputation is reinforced with each successful engagement.

Andreas Landgrebe | Managing Partner Austria & CEE |
+43 1 533 83 57| alandgrebe@boyden.com | www.boyden.com/austria


... the last page

Enjoy reading!
Fred Fruth
Secretary General





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Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
Austro-British Society (ABS)

Biberstrasse 3, 1010 Wien

Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Fred Fruth


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