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“And then there were None” is not only a mystery novel by the world famous English writer Agatha Christie but it aptly describes the steady annual decline in numbers of the Austro British Chambers of Commerce in what was ten years ago launched as a joint Austro British Society/Austro British Chambers of Commerce “Heurigen” at the Buschenschank Wolff sporting the evergreen slogan: “It is nice to meet old friends and make new acquaintances alike”. 

The intervening ten years could indeed be likened to the well known countdown in the nursery rhyme “Ten little Indian Boys”, (also known under a different title) with each year less members of the ABC present.

Friday, 3 July was not only the 154th anniversary of the infamous Battle of Königgrätz (lest you forget, the one we lost) but it also started the new era with the 10th ABS “Heurigen” Evening, ABC-free so to speak, therefore exclusively for ABS members and friends.

What I am telling you is by no means new but our President Prof Dr Kurt Tiroch is always and increasingly fascinated by the fact that our members are regularly out in force because it is not even a free event.

That was true again yesterday when about 80 members enjoyed a convivial afternoon and evening with lots of good wine and equally lots of good food. My photo series, I hope, captured this spirit of the afternoon with the many laughing faces. This is what it’s all about. Pity, if you have missed it.

Wolfgang Geissler 

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