
ABS Newsletter July/August 2019




July-August 2019




  • Editorial

  • ABS goes blogging!

  • ABS Policy Paper #14

  • Forthcoming events

  • Ein einmaliges Kinoangebot:  "EDIE"

  • ABS corporate member deVere

  • ... the last page



Dear members and friends of the ABS,

you may or may not have noticed the unusual size of this month´s calendar picture above. Reason is not only that, this time, it has to cover two months but is meant also to create anticipation on your forthcoming vacation. Whilst you´re busy with planning where to go this summer, your ABS board was busy improving the means of our society´s communication instruments by entering the blogging scenery. Hence, read our invitation further below to all members and potential members interested - get active by joining this new initiative!

July will also deliver a decision on the new UK Prime Minister and subsequently further progressing of the Brexit issue.  In order to keeping us frequently informed, Dr. Alexander Christiani, Vice President and chairman of the ABS Expert Council, offers yet another "Policy Paper" - well worth reading as always, see below.

Finally, before you leave for your well deserved summer brake, let me draw your attention to a very kind offer - may be it makes you change your holiday plans in favour of the Scottish Highlands ... again, for details see below.

Yours, together*) with Frido Richter, ABS board member and IT Administrator,

Fred Fruth, Secretary General and Editor-in-Chief

*) aka ´the terrible twins´ when on their annual cycling tour to Grado in September


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If you see news, hear news, or make news - we want to hear from you! 
Send your "reader´s letter" by email to  f.fruth@gmx.at

Thank you!

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*  *  *  *  *  *  *


ABS Bloggerlnnen gesucht!

Die Öffentlichkeitspräsenz unserer ABS nimmt ständig zu. Wer hätte sich vor einigen Jahren gedacht, dass wir aktiv von TV-Stationen angefragt werden, wenn es etwa um Brexit-Themen geht? Wer hätte gedacht, dass wir Dauergast in den Seitenblicken mit unseren gesellschaftlichen Events sind? Wer hätte erwartet, dass es einen Expertenrat gibt, der laufend höchst qualitative Policy-Papers erstellt? Und all das wird - gemeinsam mit Event-Berichten und Fotogalerien - über unser Webportal, den Newsletter und die facebook-Seite an buchstäblich tausende Menschen kommuniziert, die diese Inhalte freiwillig konsumieren!

Jetzt setzen wir einen weiteren Schritt und werden demnächst einen ABS-Blog ins Leben rufen. Kurze, knackige Kommentare und Gedanken zu gesellschaftlichen, staatspolitischen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Entwicklungen sollen unsere society medial noch öffentlichkeitswirksamer machen.

Wir laden vor allem junge (und natürlich junggebliebene) ABS-Mitglieder und Freunde ein, als ABS-BloggerInnen zu publizieren!

Interessierte kontaktieren bitte Jochen ResselABS board member, unter:  blog@oebrg.at.



"Although the drama which engulfed us during the previous month and weeks has somewhat disspated, the uncertainty remains.Will the prospective new British Prime Minister steer the country towards a crash, or will reason prevail to leave on 31 October with a deal by presumably amending the "Political Declaration". read the possible scenarios in the ABS Policy Paper No. 14 hereby attached " or at:


Alexander Christiani


Forthcoming events

Freitag, 05.07., 17:00h. Gemeinsamer "ABS/ABC Heurigenabend" bei Buschenschank Wolff (corporate member), Rathstrasse 44, 1190 Wien. Details siehe Einladung vom 13.06.

Montag, 22.07. "Prince George Birthday Party", im Cafe Ministerium, Georg-Coch Platz 4, 1010 Wien. Details und Einladung in Vorbereitung.

SOMMERPAUSE BIS 10.09. - KEINE ABS VERANSTALTUNGEN (zumindest derzeit, wer die sprichwörtliche Unermüdlichkeit von Präsident Prof. Dr. Kurt Tiroch kennt ...)


Save the date:

Mittwoch, 11.09."ABS Biennial General Meeting". Details und Einladung in Vorbereitung.



Ein einmaliges Kinoangebot:  "EDIE" in den Scottish Highlands

Am 19.7.2019 kommt der wunderschöne Film "EDIE – Für Träume ist es nie zu spät" in unsere Kinos - siehe folgendenTrailer:


In der Hauptrolle der forschen aber liebenswerten Edie bahnt sich eine brillant aufspielende Sheila Hancock schnell ihren Weg in die Herzen der Zuschauer. In atemberaubenden Bildern fängt der Film die Schönheit der schottischen Highlands ein und offenbart wie beiläufig die Einmaligkeit des Lebens. Der beglückende Publikumsliebling erzählt von verpassten Chancen, der Erfüllung lang gehegter Träume und vom Mut, seinen eigenen Weg zugehen. Der Film wurde in den schottischen Highlinds, im Dorf Lochinver und am Mount Suilven gedreht.

Für die ersten drei schnell Entschlossenen gibt es jeweils 2 Gratistickets für den Besuch im CINE CENTER oder im VOTIV KINO in Wien.

Versuchen Sie Ihr Glück und senden eine email mit dem Hinweis "EDIE-Austro-British Society" an:


Die Gewinner werden ebenfalls per email verständigt.



ABS corporate member deVere

As promised in the May issue, please find a more detailed introduction of our latest corporate member below:

deVere Austria is a branch office of the deVere Group who are an independent wealth consultancy with a truly global presence, deVere Group pride itself in offering  our clients a world-class and results driven service.

deVere Group was established in 2002 by CEO Nigel Green. As more and more people focused on opportunities abroad, Green saw a niche in the financial services market for them. Today, deVere Group has developed to become one of the world's leading independent international financial consultancy. With well over 80,000 clients in more than 100 different countries - and in excess of $10 billion under advice and administration - deVere Group aims to maintain its place at the forefront of the industry.

deVere Group's definitive aim is to support our clients in creating, growing and safeguarding their wealth. We want to join you on your journey and make your dreams come true.

What distances us from our competitors is our dedication to our team. As a powerful network of seasoned professionals, they are the backbone of deVere Group, allowing us to provide nothing short of the high-quality, and dependable financial advice that we have become renowned for.

Each client works with their own wealth adviser. Together, they will develop, implement and manage a made-to-measure  strategy that is fully in-line with the client's situation, needs and plans for the future.

At deVere Group, we work with people not numbers. Our clients' success is what determines our success.

Over the years, deVere Group has aspired to grow and ripen hand-in-hand with its clients. As a result, we have developed and grown our global presence considerably in order to best serve our clients, wherever they choose to call home in the world.

From FATCA, Retirement planning to Education planning and more, deVere Group offer an array of financial solutions to our clients which include international investors, expatriates and other globally-minded individuals.

By working with deVere Group, you will have peace of mind that your financial portfolio is in safe, proficient hands that know what it takes to secure, maximise and cultivate your wealth.

David MihelicWealthConsultant & Area Manager, Office:  +43 (0) 720022391, Mobile: +43 (0) 664 5513119


... the last page

Having worked your way through this extended Newsletter with full concentration, you may now relax and go on your leave - perhaps somewhere nice at the seaside?



Fred Fruth
Secretary General


Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
Austro-British Society (ABS)

Biberstrasse 3, 1010 Wien

Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Fred Fruth



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