
Mission Statement

Austro-British Society (ABS)

The “Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft” (Austro-British-Society / ABS)actively promotes economic, social and cultural exchange, and dialogue between the United Kingdom and Austria.

Our aim is to strengthen Austro-British relations in all aspects of public and cultural life.

We are an independent registered association formed of people from all backgrounds. The Society enjoys the active support of the governments of both Austria and the United Kingdom.

The “Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft” was originally founded in Vienna in June 1946, and has been newly set up in December 2009.

In accordance with our constitution, our goals are:

to contribute to wider knowledge of all aspects of Austrian and  British culture, arts and lifestyle,

to initiate and promote debate on current economic, political and cultural issues,

to break down existing stereotypes and encourage inter-personal and inter-organisational contacts between the two countries and help to improve personal and corporate social responsibility.

To achieve these aims, our main activities include:

fostering the ties between Austria and Britain through inter-personal and inter-organisational contacts, exchange and visits,

workshops, courses, film and theatre nights, opera and ball events, readings and book presentations, exhibitions and other activities aimed at promoting knowledge about all things Austrian and British,

the invitation of guest speakers from the UK and Austria who talk about current affairs or aspects of British and Austrian economy, culture, arts, history, society and lifestyle.

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