Dear Members and Friends of the ABS,
With prices for oil, gas and most other fuels as a low as ever since the beginning of 2016, why bother with stockpiling of coal for the next winter to come? We had better told these two worried ladies above ...
As far as ABS is concerned, the new year has gotten off to a flying start with already five events in January and February - and there will be four more this month, in case you thought there´d be a break ... more about them further below.
And as far as I am concerned, let me tell you from my recent visit to Southampton where I grabbed the opportunity for a quick glance at the truly majestic CUNARD liner "Queen Mary 2", having been chauffered there in an appropriate carriage, as the picture on the right will tell you. What an impressive view! If only I could enter this magnificent ship and find out more about this floating heaven of luxury, I dreamed ... Very well, heaven had noticed this desire of mine it seems, for our ever bustling president Kurt Tiroch succeeded in winning over CUNARD, probably the world´s most prestigious shipping company, now being the latest ABS corporate member! What else would you have expected of Kurt ...
Only the Royal Family could eventually top his phantastic news. And so they did - see below.
Didn´t I tell you before? The new year has gotten off to a flying start.
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Yours ever so excited,
Fred Fruth, Secretary General
ABS Events im März
03.03.: HACKETT London in Wien. Präsentation der Frühjahrsmode, veranstaltet von Brühl Modewelten, begleitet von Aston Martin, beide ABS Corporate Members. Strictly for members only. Event AUSGEBUCHT, Warteliste!
10.03.: Vortrag Botschafter Dr. Emil Brix (ABS Honorary President): "Wo steht Russland heute? Nachbar, Partner, Gegner oder Teil Europas?" im Cafe Landtmann, 1010 Wien. Begrenzte Sitzplatzanzahl! Nur für Mitglieder, Details und Anmeldelink siehe Einladungsemail.
16.03.: Vortrag Walter Rothensteiner (Gen. Dir. der RZB): "Die österreichische Bankenlandschaft im Umbruch", im Kassensaal der Oesterreichischen National Bank, 1090 Wien, für Mitglieder und Freunde der ABS, Details siehe Einladung.
30.03.: Präsentation und Verkostung "Craft Beer Vienna", Einladung in die Brauerei Ottakring, 1160 Wien. Nur für Mitglieder, Details in Ausarbeitung.
Greetings from the Royal Family
Last November, our ABS Honorary President, S.E. Dr. Martin Eichtinger, handed over the 2015 magnum bottle of our ´Prince George Cuvee´ to Miguel Head, Private Secretary of The Duke of Cambridge. In return, Miguel sent him a letter on behalf of the Royal Parents from Kensington Palace, dated 14 January 2016. Since it was declared as "private and confidential" , may I just quote the quintessential part of it:
"The Duke and the Duchess were delighted that you should think to commemorate their son´s birthday in such a manner and please pass on their warmest thanks to everyone at the Austro-British Society and best wishes for 2016".
Hear, hear. And we already look forward to our this year´s Prince George Birthday Party to be held on 22nd of July.
BREXIT OR NOT? What is really at stake.
A most competent "view behind the curtain" by guest editor, ABS Vice President Dr. Alexander Christiani, formerly Austria´s Ambassador in the UK, now retired.
breaking news: Der Termin für das EU-Referendum in UK wurde mit 23.06. fixiert. Davor planen wir kurzfristigst noch eine kontroversielle Podiumsdiskussion in Wien - Details demnächst per email!
Forget BREXIT. The real obstacle to deeper European Integration is not the awkward British, whether they choose to stay in the European Union with a "special status" or leave. Now that the summit is over and everyone is magically fixed on the 23rd of June, things appear to be more fundamental and complex than the Referendum and its fall-out itself.
It is a long-running France-German impasse on how to make the Euro zone stronger and more sustainable, reconciling two radically different economic and political cultures. Now that David Cameron has won a deal to enshrine formally Britain's semi-detached status in the 28-nation-bloc - if his sceptical voters don't detach it completely - the onus will return to Europe's founding nations to work out a way forward.
"We must not give the impression that Europe is a self-service" French President Francois Hollande said. "There can be differences but there cannot be a Europe where each country picks out what it wants". But it is the breakdown of France-German leadership in the Euro zone - the economic core of the 60 year old European Project - that worries the architects of European Integration. The moment of truth has been postponed, at least until after the national elections in France and Germany in 2017. The divisions between these two most important countries will not be dissolved magically whether Britain stays or leaves the EU, although the shock of a British vote to depart would create political pressure for a bold European initiative.
To be sure, Britain has now given a formal commitment not to obstruct further European integration in return for concessions on migrant workers, exemption from EU political integration and safeguards for the City of London financial sector. The British escapades could on first sight not have come at a worst moment for Europe - however who knows, they also might be the catharsis which many have been hoping for ...
The times remain highly unpredictable and strained, exacerbated by the Migrant Tsunami which has befallen Europe."
Willkommen als jüngstes ABS Corporate Member: CUNARD
CUNARD – eine legendäre Reederei. Einzigartig. Königlich. Elegant.
Stilvolles Reisen mit den Luxusschiffen „Queen Mary 2“, Queen Elizabeth“ und „Queen Victoria“.
• Der Name Cunard ist unweigerlich mit der maritimen Entdeckung der Welt verbunden und ist Inbegriff des gehobenen britischen Lebensgefühls.
• Der Auftritt aller drei Queens ist unvergleichlich majestätisch: Von weitem sichtbar ist bereits der mitternachtsblaue Rumpf, die schneeweißen Aufbauten und die unverkennbaren rotschwarzen Schornsteine, die die klassisch-britische Eleganz wiederspiegeln. Innen erwarten die Gäste eine erstklassige Ausstattung und eine beeindruckende Architektur voll feinster Details.
• Cunard bietet noch heute den einzigen regelmäßigen transatlantischen Liniendienst mit der Queen Mary, und steht nach wie vor für die Tradition der Weltreise, welche 1922 begann.
• Cunard steht für ein luxuriöses Seereisen-Abenteuer mit dem weltbekannten und beliebten White-Star-Service, preisgekrönter kulinarischer Feinkost, Orte zum Entspannen und Unterhalten und Weltklasse-Unterhaltung.
• Fahrgebiete:
Europa: Nordeuropa und Mittelmeer
Kanada & Neuengland
Weltreisen & Teilstrecken
• Eine Reise auf einem Cunard Schiff lässt das Goldene Zeitalter der Seefahrt neu aufleben. Cunard verbindet auf unvergleichliche Weise Tradition und Moderne, so wie es eben nur die Briten können. Auch die Atmosphäre ist britisch geprägt, mit z. B. dem englischen Afternoon-Tea mit Butlerservice. Auch gibt es den klassischen „Ballroom“ mit Orchester für Tanzveranstaltungen.
More exciting news from our new corporate member CUNARD soon to come - so, watch this space!
... and the last page.
Happy reading!
Fred Fruth
Secretary General