Amstetten has more to offer than just Josef Fritzl
“I say hello and you say good bye”. “It could be the title to a song if it weren’t already”, Her Majesty’s Ambassador joked as he breezed past me leaving the Embassy as I was arriving.
“I say hello and you say good bye”. “It could be the title to a song if it weren’t already”, Her Majesty’s Ambassador joked as he breezed past me leaving the Embassy as I was arriving.
So titelte die Kronenzeitung am 1.2. über den ABS Event " The "Brexit" Ice Stock Shooting Party am 31.Jänner 2020.Ein historisches Datum....UK hat nach 47 Jahren die EU verlassen. Grund genug für unsere ehrenwerte Gesellschaft zu diesem Anlaß eine unterhaltsame und fröhliche Party zu feiern.
It never ceases to amaze me that Robert Burns lasted that long physically, even though it was only for a short 37 years.
The definition of Community singing is an unrehearsed mass singing of familiar songs by any assemblage or audience. Singing in groups is one of the universal features of human musical cultures, and group singing has been often suggested as the primary form of the early human musical activity and that human group singing was promoting its cohesiveness.
Imagine this. In a moment of crisis in Teheran recently, our President reported in his introductory anecdote, he paid his friendly taxi driver, who came to his rescue to get him to the Austrian Embassy 5,000.000 Iranian Rial. (1 Rial is the equivalent of 0,000022 Euro).
I am writing this for you on the roof top of deVere’s office in the Himmelpfortgasse, right in the centre of Vienna’s City. Not literally with clammy fingers, of course, since I have only one pair of hands, which are busy holding a glass of bubbly and a camera.
Das diesjährige Benefiz-Weihnachtskonzert von und mit Clemens Unterreiner und seinen Ehrengästen brachte neben einem neuen Spendenrekord, einem noch nie dagewesenen Umfang an Darbietungen und Ehrungen hauptsächlich besinnliche Weihnachtsstimmung in die Lutherische Stadtkirche.