
Peak Experience of the Different Kind

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It happens seldom but happen it did: Praise and thanks to Theresa May who called a snap General Election for Thursday, 8th June 2017. Praise and thanks to our ingenious President Dr Kurt Tiroch who never would let an opportunity for a party slip through his hands. And it did not this time either! 

The dumbfounded audience took note that while the so far still United Kingdom will decide on its future through the ballot box we, on the other hand, will have a party on that occasion! So get your diaries out and mark that date!

Winston Churchill once said that the "empires of the future will be empires of the mind." Dr Harald S. Harung, whose lecture on Mind-Brain Development we attended, phrased it differently: „The Battles of the Future will be in the Mind.“

Appropriately a battle of a different kind raged outside. A wild blizzard howled across the city, rattling at the exposed windows, by now completely caked with snow and ice, of the “Panorama Room” on the 14th floor of the Hochhaus in the heart of the First District.

While our Mind-Brain development generally stagnates by the age of 25 (there is something in the German proverb: „Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmer mehr!“) we still are given three important complementary strategies: Physical Exercise, like brisk walking, Music and Meditation. There you have it.

After a fascinating Question and Answer Session we moved on to the part modestly described in the Invitation as a “Small Reception and Social Gathering”. Nothing on it was “small”, but lots of deliciously prepared canapés, courtesy “Café Ministerium”, and sheer endless supplies of sparkling wine of the “Hochriegl” variety.

What a shame if for one reason or another you haven’t been there last night because you missed a truly enjoyable evening! Believe me!

Wolfgang Geissler 


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